The Bracetax syntax


This document defines the rules of the Bracetax syntax and explain the semantics of its commands. Some examples give the expected behaviour for transformations in HTML and LaTeX using the ocamlbracetax library. It's also used as a complete example of bracetax syntax.


In the text there are only three special characters: Those charcters can be escaped with the commands {{}, {}} and {#}.
All whitespace characters are considered as a space (' ').
A command has the form:
{cmd arg1 arg2 arg3|concerned text}
Between the { and the |, it's the command mode: A command can have no arguments and no text, e.g. {br}
And for long blocs: {cmd arg|Some text} is equivalent to {begin cmd arg}Some text{end}
Non-parsed (i.e. “code”) blocs have a special syntax
For each command the arguments can be considered optional (they have default values).


Are only allowed in text mode:
Text # Comments...
{cmd arg|
    Text # Also comments...
{cmd # NOT COMMENTS !!! | Text }



Those are {{}, {}}, {#}, Unbreakable->{~}<-space,
horizontal{...}ellipsis, dashes: en{--}em{---}, and {utf 0x42}, {utf 339}.
Those are {, }, #, Unbreakable-> <-space, horizontal…ellipsis, dashes: en–em—, and B, œ.
Here are actually all the commands available for special characters:
Bracetax's character–commands.
{{}Left brace: '{'
{}}Right brace: '}'
{#}Sharp: '#'
{~}Unbreakable space: ' '
{...}Horizontal ellipsis: '…'
{--}The en-dash: '–'
{---}The em-dash: '—'
{utf <int>}Any UTF char as integer.


To have a title bloc in you document:
{begin header}
    Ignored text !!
    {authors|{link|Sebastien Mondet}}
    {subtitle|A simple syntax for wikis and more...}

Non parsed blocs

The code command

The default case:
My free    form {{ } {|} c
But you can set the end tag:
{code AnotherEndTag}
 Still Free
inside the bloc
Those blocs will be rendered as <pre> or \begin{verbatim}.

The bypass command

The command {bypass} has the same syntax than {code} but is used to output directly some content, e.g.:
{bypass endtag}Some <i>HTML</i>{endtag}
It can be used by preprocessors to implement special commands.
For security reasons, this command can be disabled (actually treated as the {code} command) in ocamlbracetax and in brtx (option -deny-bypass). Using {bypass} with a web application written with an interpreted language could lead to code injection issues…

The text command

The {text} command works also like {code}, but it used to treat all the content as “text”, “braces” and “sharps”, will have no effect. For example:
{text endtag} Some text with {braces, |pipes} and #sharps#.{endtag}
will give: Some text with {braces, |pipes} and #sharps#.

The ignore comand

The {ignore} command has also the same syntax as the {code} one, but is used to ignore some text, it can be used to implement so-called “block comments”.
Some {ignore someendtag}uninteresting,
useless, and unreadable{someendtag} text
is equivalent to
Some #uninteresting,
#useless, and unreadable{someendtag}


Some basic formatting:
{i|italic}, {b|bold},
super{sup|script}, sub{sub|script}
italic, bold, italobold, mono-spaced, superscript, subscript


Run-In Quotations

    {q '|single},
    {q es|españolas},
    {q fr|françaises},
    {q en|English},
    {q de|Deutsch} and 
    {q brout|unknown is default}
Quotes: “default”, ‘single’, «españolas», « françaises », “English”, „Deutsch” and “unknown is default”.

Block Quotations

They are as simple as {quote| ... }. For example:
{begin quote}
There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly
what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly
disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and
inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has
already happened.
{b|Douglas Adams}
will give:
There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened. Douglas Adams

Paragraphs and line-breaks

Paragraph: {p}, Line-break: {br}


The syntax is:
{section level label|Title of the section}
The level is an integer: 1, 2, 3 or 4 (default is 1)
The label is a string for local links/references.


A list can be item (default) or enum, a new item begins with {*}:
{begin list enum}
  {*} The one
  {*} Two
  {*} Three
    {list item|{*} inside {*} more}
  {*} Four
  1. The one
  2. Two
  3. Three
    • inside
    • more
  4. Four
Local links:
The {t|label} is a string for local {link local:sec_links|links}/references.
{section 2 sec_links|Links}
There's a {link|Vim} syntax file.
but don't forget the http:// because “www.any-site.bouh” can be interpreted as a local (i.e. ./) link.
A link may not have contents:
Will give:


The syntax for images is:
{image <src> [<w>px|<w>%] <label>|Caption text}
For example this image:
    |An image; for now it is the only logo candidate{...}}
An image; for now it is the only logo candidate…


For table we have two commands, the table:
{table <nb-of-columns> <label> <default-align>|Caption and cells} 
and the cell:
{c <format> <size>|content}
The <format> is the alignment ('l', 'r' or 'c'), the optional “is header ?” ('h'), in any order ('_' means “default”).
The <size> argument is either the number of columns occupied or the total size rxc (numbers of rows and columns). Example:
{begin table 4 tab:example r} 
{c|Simple cell} {c h|Header cell} {c rh|Header right cell} {c r|Right cell}
{c c|Center cell} {c l|Left cell} {c r 2|Right double cell} 
{c lh|Left header cell} {c c 2|Center double cell}  {c hl|Left header cell}
{c l 2x3|Two rows, three columns, left} {c|Default, fourth in the row}
                                        {c h|Header, 4th in the row}
{c|Default, 1st} {c|Default, 2nd} {c _ 2x2|2 rows, 2 columns, default} 
{c _ 2|Default, 1st and 2nd}                                           
{c|Simple cell} {c h|Header cell} {c rh|Header right cell} {c r|Right cell}
Caption of the table, default align is right
Caption of the table, default align is right
Simple cellHeader cellHeader right cellRight cell
Center cellLeft cellRight double cell
Left header cellCenter double cellLeft header cell
Two rows, three columns, leftDefault, fourth in the row
Header, 4th in the row
Default, 1stDefault, 2nd2 rows, 2 columns, default
Default, 1st and 2nd
Simple cellHeader cellHeader right cellRight cell
Note: The alignment doesn't seem to be in XHTML, so we use a style attribute and a class attribute (e.g. <td class="centeralign" style="text-align:center;">).


Notes are \footnote's(In LaTeX) or sidenotes(In XHTML... with a CSS)
Notes are {t|\footnote}'s{note|In LaTeX}

Post-processing plugin system

With the code environment you can also prepare post-processing:
{code end_tag name_for_the_plugin}
A   non - parsed    {b|block}
Will add verbatimbegin/end comments, e.g. for XHTML:
<!--verbatimbegin:name_for_the_plugin -->
A   non - parsed    {b|block}
<!--verbatimend:name_for_the_plugin -->
or for LaTeX(The space between '\' and 'end' is due the impossibility to put '\end{verbatim}' in a LaTeX verbatim evironment):
A   non - parsed    {b|block}
\ end{code}
Then you can post-process your output searching for those “comment-tags”.