let to_string (location, gravity, message) =
let spr = Printf.sprintf in
let gravity_str =
match gravity with
| `fatal_error -> "FATAL ERROR"
| `error -> "ERROR"
| `warning -> "Warning"
let message_str =
match (message:message) with
| `transformer_lost s ->
spr "Shouldn't be there (%s)" s
| `ignored_text_after_verbatim_begin s ->
spr "Text after {verbatim ...} will be ignored: %s" s
| `malformed_verbatim_begin -> "Malformed begin of verbatim environment"
| `cell_out_of_table -> "Cell (\"{c ...}\") command not in table"
| `cell_inside_cell -> "Cell (\"{c ...}\") command inside another cell"
| `unknown_command s -> spr "Unknown command: %s" s
| `begin_without_arg -> "{begin} without argument"
| `non_matching_end -> "{end} does not match a {begin}"
| `closing_brace_matching_begin ->
"Closing brace ('}') matches a {begin ...}"
| `nothing_to_end_with_brace -> "Closing brace doesn't match"
| `item_out_of_list -> "Item ({*}) not in a {list} environment}"
| `terminating_with_open_environments l ->
spr "Reached end of input with opened environments: %s"
(String.concat ", " l)
| `bad_size_specification_in_image s ->
spr "Bad size specification in image: \"%s\"" s
| `unknown_list_style s ->
spr "Unknown list syle: \"%s\"" s
| `end_of_input_not_in_text s ->
spr "Reached end of input in wrong state... \"%s\"" s
| `invalid_end_pattern s ->
spr "Invalid end pattern: \"%S\"" s
| `command_shouldnot_have_args s ->
spr "This command should not have arguments: %s" s
| `unknown_quotation_style s ->
spr "Unknown quotation style \"%s\" (using default)" s
(Printf.sprintf "[%s:%d%s][%s] %s"
location.l_file location.l_line
(if location.l_char = -1 then "" else (spr ",%d" location.l_char))
gravity_str message_str)