Module Bracetax.Error

module Error: Bracetax_error

type gravity = [ `error | `fatal_error | `warning ] 
type message = [ `bad_size_specification_in_image of string
| `begin_without_arg
| `cell_inside_cell
| `cell_out_of_table
| `closing_brace_matching_begin
| `command_shouldnot_have_args of string
| `end_of_input_not_in_text of string
| `ignored_text_after_verbatim_begin of string
| `invalid_end_pattern of string
| `item_out_of_list
| `malformed_verbatim_begin
| `non_matching_end
| `nothing_to_end_with_brace
| `terminating_with_open_environments of string list
| `transformer_lost of string
| `unknown_command of string
| `unknown_list_style of string
| `unknown_quotation_style of string ]

type location = {
   l_line : int;
   l_char : int;
   l_file : string;
type error = [ `message of
location * gravity * message
| `undefined of string ]
type error_fun = error -> unit 
val mk : location ->
gravity -> message -> error
Build an error message.
val to_string : location * [< `error | `fatal_error | `warning ] *
message -> string
A built-in function for rendering errors as strings.