Module Bracetax_commands

module Bracetax_commands: sig .. end
Syntaxic helper functions for Signatures.printers and GenericPrinter.output_ts.

module Raw: sig .. end
Standard raw commands
module Link: sig .. end
Module for handling links.
module Stack: sig .. end
A stack of bracetax environments.
module Names: sig .. end
Operations to identify Bracetax commands, and "parse" their arguments.
val non_env_cmd_of_name : string -> string list -> Stack.environment
Transforms some commands to their Bracetax_commands.Stack.environment counter part. Returns `undefined (name, args) if it is not a "simple" command.
val env_to_string : Stack.environment -> string
Converts to a (human readable) string. Used in error messages.
module Table: sig .. end
Module to build tables.