Module Bracetax_commands.Table.Util

module Util: sig .. end
Utilities for printing tables without too much headache.

val nb_rows : Bracetax_commands.Table.table -> int
val make_riddle : Bracetax_commands.Table.table -> (int * int) array array
val fill_riddle : (int * int) array array -> int -> int -> int -> int -> unit
val next_coordinates : (int * int) array array ->
Bracetax_commands.Table.table -> int -> int -> int * int
Find next false in riddle
type in_table = [ `cell of Bracetax_commands.Table.cell | `filed of int * int | `none ] 
val matrix_next_coordinates : [> `none ] array array ->
Bracetax_commands.Table.table -> int -> int -> int * int
val cells_to_matrix : Bracetax_commands.Table.table ->
int * int *
[> `cell of Bracetax_commands.Table.cell | `filled of int * int | `none ]
array array